Advanced Gene Diagnostics Inc.

Every year, around 1.8 million new cancer cases are diagnosed in the United States. While cancer survival rate is high if diagnosed and treated in early stage, most cases are not detected until much too late. Yet conventional diagnosis techniques are not effective for early detection. 

This is where Advanced Gene Diagnostics (AGD) can make a difference. We develop disruptive diagnosis techniques for non-invasive early cancer detection. Our vision is to be the leader to detect all tumors at early stage so that cancer is eradicated.

Based on the discovery of detectable traces of circulating tumor cell (CTC) and circulating tumor DNA (CtDNA) in blood flow of patients with early stage tumors, AGD’s technology is focus on co-detection of CTC and CtDNA for accurate cancer screening as well as treatment guidance. All it takes is one tube of blood samples. The applications of such “liquid biopsy” will benefit a variety of populations include hospital doctors and patients, diagnostic clinical laboratories, academic scientific researchers, pharmaceutical and biotech companies and healthcare insurance companies.

We have completed clinical feasibility with collaborators and accomplished prototypes of products with advanced functions. Going forward, we are making rapid progress in improving sensitivity of CTC and ctDNA detection as well as gene analysis on “live” single CTC cell. Our goal is to develop an automated, AI augmented co-detection system of both CTC and ctDNA for early cancer detection. 




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